Vocal Presence Workshop with Priti Coles
Your voice and physical impact for powerful presenting
On December 15th, from 12:00 to 13:00, on Zoom (register here by December 10, 2021)
VOCAL PRESENCE AND EMBODIMENT – are crucial to clear, inspiring communication.
TOGETHER THEY FORM A MAGIC INGREDIENT – and this is what really comes across, often more so than actual content.
GET FAMILIAR – with this quality to really connect with your audience and express your message with clarity, conviction and confidence.
This interactive workshop is an introduction to clear voice coaching. We will explore embodiment and the voice; so get prepared and comfortable (loosen restrictive clothes – find a room where you can use your voice freely) and join in with body awareness techniques, posture and breathing tips, voice warm-ups as well as pitch, tempo, diction and vocal variety exercises. Above all, let´s get creative and have some fun together!
Register by December 10 at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkc-qorT8qG9A3eoMdi1vuELxnvG31u4rX
Previous Workshops
- Let’s aim for DTM!
An inter-club Panel discussion hosted by ILTM and moderated by Eri Ishikawa. During this panel discussion, you will learn what is DTM, why it matters, and how to become one from DTMs; Allison Turner, Andreas Geiger, & Lilian Shaftacola.
⭐⭐⭐ Ask your questions using Google Forms by September 17th, 2021⭐⭐⭐
- Zurich Table Topics® Festival 2021
Wed, 23rd June 2021, from 12:00 to 13:15 CEST (Toastmasters members welcome)
An interclub Table Topics® workshop hosted by ILTM and Maria Issartel. During this workshop you will learn the theory behind successful Table Topics® from Andreas Geiger, Dana Ritter, Frank Kaiser and Giada Sartori. You will also practice a lot of what you learn. The Zoom link will be shared via email.
Register before June 21st here and, if you have an EasySpeak account, also here.