

June 2021
First Zurich Table Topics Festival, organized by ILTM
ILTM Library launched
ILTM reaches President’s Distiguished club status the second year in a row

April 2021
Four ILTM members compete on division level, two members win the contest and are qualified for District Contest and one member is winning the highest level, District Level of the German Speech Contest!

July 2020
First hybrid meeting at ILTM

April 2020
ILTM club meetings are conducted online

October 2019
Hurray! Held our 100th ILTM Club Meeting

May 2019
Founding of the Swiss Association ILTM

June 2018
Election of the first ILTM Club Committee as a chartered club

April 2018
Implemented Pathways

March 2018
ILTM has chartered as an official Toastmasters Club

July 2017
Meeting venue moved to Central Hush (now meinsitzungszimmer.ch)

September 2016
Meeting venue moved to Quartierhaus Kreis 5

December 2015
Starting the first trilingual lunchtime Club in Zurich

Tina Bühler, Founder of ILTM Zurich
“Attending Toastmasters meetings in the evening turned out to be difficult, once I became a young mother. Refusing to give up the valuable TM learning experience, I decided to set up a lunchtime club. The club was born close to Christmas, in December 2015 in the “International Beer Bar”. It was named International Lunchtime Toastmasters Club (ILTM), the first trilingual and first-and-only French-speaking club in Zurich.
The initial meetings, attended by 6-10 people, offered a good playground for experimenting with the 1hour agenda and the languages. Often the club was used by very advanced Toastmasters like Angela S., Alison T., Bigi V., Elie P., Mateusz B., Nevenka L., Thomas Z., Selina M. to test out new ideas.
In order to charter we needed to build up the club with fresh TM blood. They kept coming once Mike had found a more suitable location, our cosy central Hush at Central. Due to major mouth to mouth and social media propaganda by all members the club was finally able to charter with the required 20 members in March 2018. Ever since, the club has been flourishing due to the enthusiasm of the new and experienced Toastmasters and the great support from the Division and other Clubs.”